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Most people will not change to save their lives

I know this sounds dramatic but the research is clear, even when faced with the possibility of death or severe medical complications such as blindness, more than 60% of people will not change their behaviors. So if you are thinking about setting New Year’s Resolutions, you should go into it knowing the statistics are even worse. 23% quit in the first week, only 36% make it past the first month and only 9% successfully keep their New Year's resolutions.

As a Columbia University Certified Executive Coach who focuses on helping leaders with lasting behavior change, I am relentlessly motivated to help you be part of the 9%. In conjunction with the highly proven Columbia C3P Coaching Process, I lean on the work of Dr. Caroline Leaf, a cognitive neuroscientist and author of the book "Switch On Your Brain," whose research shows it takes around 63 days to make or break a habit. Dr. Leaf's research reveals that habits are more than just behavior; they are neurological pathways in the brain that become stronger with repetition. I also tap into the work of James Clear, a renowned author and speaker on habit and behavior change who has popularized the concept of “aggregation of marginal gains.” This philosophy suggests that if we make small improvements to many areas within a system, the combined impact of these changes can result in substantial overall improvement. In other words, focusing on incremental advances can add up to big wins over time.

By making a series of small adjustments focused on optimizing efficiency, we can achieve better results than by tackling one large-scale project. The aggregation of marginal gains encourages us to take an analytical approach that focuses on breaking down complex tasks into their component parts and finding ways to optimize each element. It is an effective strategy for achieving meaningful progress both in our personal lives and in the workplace. By breaking down our goals into smaller, more manageable pieces, we can develop consistent habits that lead to lasting change. Applying the aggregation of marginal gains with the concept of changing your neuro-pathways over 63 days to solidify a habit change, can help us achieve greater success and satisfaction.

I am looking to work with two clients in the new year so if you are motivated to make some real changes this year, please reach out and we can discuss to see if executive coaching is right for you.

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